Modem information technologies in a foreign language course for the engineering-profile students


  • В. О. Кузнецов Національний авіаціний університет



The opportunities of usage of modem personal computers and information-communicative technologies closely associated with them (first of all - Internet) for foreign language teaching of engineering s considered. Large possibilities, real prospects and features of practical application of new teaching in special content-based foreign language curricula are discussed, that are based on usage in didactijc the authentic materials directly relevant to technical speciality of students.

Author Biography

В. О. Кузнецов, Національний авіаціний університет

канд. хім. наук


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How to Cite

Кузнецов, В. О. (2021). Modem information technologies in a foreign language course for the engineering-profile students. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 18(3-4), 204–208.


