
  • Ihor Voitko National Aviation University
  • Alina Svysch National Aviation University
  • Vasyl Denysovych Institute of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology



carbon adsorbents, physical and chemical and sorption tests, polymer raw materials, production, recommendations for use


The main purpose of this article is to find a connection between the experimental physical and chemical properties obtained and sorption characteristics from other polymeric raw materials and products of their processing on carbon adsorbents. Methods of definition which were used in the work  are the specific bulk mass, the content of volatile substances and ash content, the construction of isotherms of sorption and the calculation of the internal specific surface of methylene blue. Results: adsorbents derived from raw materials with a low specific bulk density and high ash content are shown to have relatively low values ​​of the specific internal surface and sorption capacity. The increased content of volatile substances in raw materials and carbonates contributes to the enhanced formation of sorption pores in activated materials. Discussion: choosing a polymeric raw material for the production of carbon sorbents it is necessary in addition to other criteria to take into account its physical and chemical characteristics.

Author Biographies

Ihor Voitko, National Aviation University

Doctor (Candidate) of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Aviation University.

Education: National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv (1960).

Reserch area: study of carbon and silicon-containing sorbents.

Alina Svysch, National Aviation University


Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Aviation University.

Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2017).

Reserch area: carbon sorbents of polymer origin.

Vasyl Denysovych, Institute of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology

Doctor (Candidate) of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Officer

Institute of Sorption and Endoecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Education: D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (1972).

Reserch area: mineral and carbon sorbents.


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How to Cite

Voitko, I., Svysch, A., & Denysovych, V. (2018). USE OF NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC POLYMERS IN THE PRODUCTION OF CARBON SORBENTS. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 76(3), 87–92.

