city transport system, ecological state, neural network, transit capacity, traffic densityAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to develop an effective model for city transport system ecological state assessment using neural networks general concept. Methods: The proposed model is based on two neural networks work, taking into account the traffic density effect and the transit capacity level on urban areas. Results: Based on the synthesis of the fuzzy sets theory and neural networks basic principles, the city transport system ecological state assessing model is developed. The graphical representation of the model is given. A forecast reliability high degree is provided even at low learning rates and high dynamics of changing statistical data in the city transit traffic conditions. Conclusions: The use of fuzzy neural networks makes it possible to state a complete correspondence between fuzzy inference procedure mathematical representation and the urban transport system structure. The proposed model allows to formulate well-defined environmental guidelines when making decisions in the transit traffic field, taking into account the interests of enterprises, transport and the urban population, with the subsequent distribution of traffic flows in time and geographical space of the city industrial areas.
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