Introduction of effective piles in a base structure
Design features of effective piles such as СВ and their advantages in use are considered at the device of the pile bases in comparison with widely widespread types of piles. From results of comparative tests of piles under static pressing loading in different earth conditions the tendency of redistribution of bearing (carrying) ability between a trunk and expansions an effective pile such as СВ was determined on earth conditions.
Патент України на винахід №302 / Б.З. Кашка. Забивна паля // Державне патентне відомство України. Заявлено 26.12.90. Опубліковано 30.04.93. // Бюл. №1. – С. 4–8.
Кашка Б.З. Новые эффективные сваи // Ин-формационный листок. №048-99. – К.: ЦНТЭИ, 1999. – С. 1–3.