Wear resistance of alloy вт-22 with non-ferrous alloys at reverse


  • А.М. Хімко National Aviation University
  • С.М. Задніпровська National Aviation University
  • О.Е. Якобчук National Aviation University




friction coefficient, microhardness, nonferrous materials, specific loading, surface topography, titanium alloy ВТ-22, wear resistance


 The article presents the results of tests of non hardened titanium alloy ВТ-22 with aviation non-ferrous alloys in reverse sliding friction. The main objective of the work is the selection of the optimum combination of materials depending on changes in loading conditions. Study of alloy ВТ-22 wear resistance was carried out in pairs with БрОФ-10-1, БрБ2, БрАЖ-9-4, ВТ-22, МЛ5, Д16Т, 7Х21ГАН5Ш and 95Х18Ш. The dependencies of the materials wear at pressures 10, 20 and 30 Mpa we determined. The linear nature of titanium alloy wear curves indicates that the change in the wear mechanism occurs gradually. The histograms of non-ferrous materials wear and the total wear of the friction pair are presented. It is established that the bronze БрАЖ-9-4 is the most preferable material for contact with non hardened titanium alloy ВТ-22, the least wear among the tested materials. The established coefficients of the titanium alloy ВТ-22 friction in pair with aviation structural non-ferrous alloys are presented. The results of research will be relevant for the engineering industry, where non hardened titanium alloy ВТ-22 in pair with non-ferrous alloys is applied.

Author Biographies

А.М. Хімко, National Aviation University

к.т.н., доц.

С.М. Задніпровська, National Aviation University


О.Е. Якобчук, National Aviation University

старш. викл.


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How to Cite

Хімко, А., Задніпровська, С., & Якобчук, О. (2010). Wear resistance of alloy вт-22 with non-ferrous alloys at reverse. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 42(1), 48–53. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.42.1811




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