
  • Mohammad Heydari School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
  • Zhou Xiaohu School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
  • Kin Keung Lai Shenzhen University, College of Economics
  • Zheng Yuxi East China Normal University, Faculty of Economics and Management




performance appraisal, balanced scorecard, insurance, quadruple dimensions


Background: This article seeks to complement the previous literature and clarify the importance of paying attention to the various performance evaluation methods. Also, should be noted in this research, a balanced scorecard is examined. A balanced scorecard model with four dimensions of vital financial, internal processes, customer, and learning and growth, seeks to control short-term operations of the organization with its long-term vision and strategies. Therefore, the organization focuses on key performance ratios within the scope of the goals. Aim: This article seeks to identify the determinants, to find the affect performance assessment of the organization by balanced scorecard method in the performance of the organization. Setting: In this research, a questionnaire has been used that includes 28 questions, and for each balance point card 7 points are considered, it should also be stated that the results are the result of a survey of 60 people. Methods: In this study, Mini-Tab software has been used to calculate the value of z and p-value, and we conclude with a significant level of 0.05 28 questions. So that if it is more than 0.05. The assumption at the significant level is 0.05 = we accept otherwise, and the insurance organization between 10-30 years projects strategic goals. An average of 6 is considered for testing hypotheses. Results: Research hypothesis test results shows that the H1 assumption is accepted. In other words, we can say that all four aspects of the balanced assessment card: financial, customer, internal processes, and the perspective of growth and learning lead to the achievement of the goals of the organization's strategy. Conclusion: Regarding the mentioned cases, it can be said that the insurance company has achieved its goals and the four-way alignment function is appropriate.

Author Biographies

Mohammad Heydari, School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

PhD student

Zhou Xiaohu, School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology


Kin Keung Lai, Shenzhen University, College of Economics


Zheng Yuxi, East China Normal University, Faculty of Economics and Management



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How to Cite

Heydari, M., Xiaohu, Z., Lai, K. K., & Yuxi, Z. (2020). EVALUATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE STRATEGIES. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 82(1), 77–93. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.82.14615

