
  • Volodymyr Kharchenko National Aviation University
  • Tatyana Shmelova National Aviation University
  • Yuliya Sikirda Flight Academy of the National Aviation University



Air Navigation System, decision making, Decision Support System, flight emergency, formalization, human factor, modeling, Socio-technical System


Purpose: on the basis of professional and non-professional factors formalization, designing of models of decision making by Air Navigation System’s human-operator and flight situation development to work-out the methodology of research and training in Air Navigation Socio-technical System. Methods: systemic analysis, reflexive theory, network planning, decision tree, Markov network, GERT network, neural network, expert method. Results: the Air Navigation System has been presented as a complex Socio-technical System. The influence of the professional factors (knowledge, skills, abilities, experience) as well as the factors of non-professional nature (individual-psychological, psycho-physiological and socio-psychological) on the decision making by Air Navigation System’s human-operator has been defined. Graphical-analytical, deterministic, stochastic, reflexive, neural network models of decision making by Air Navigation System’s human-operator and flight situation development have been obtained. The program complex “Prompt” which operative and timely selection of the optimal flight completion strategy in the unusual situations required an aircraft forced landing has been created. Methodology of research and training in Air Navigation Socio-technical System has been developed. Discussion: the result of the evaluation of non-professional factors is determination the socio-psychological impact on human-operator’s decision making by identifying the preferences, diagnostics the individual-psychological qualities of human-operator in the development of flight situation, monitoring of the human-operator’s psycho-physiological indicators (emotional state). The proposed models will allow timely diagnosing and predicting the possible actions of human-operator in the expected and unexpected conditions of aircraft operation. The algorithms and methodology for analysis of situation development under influence of decision making by human-operator can be used in other technogenous production.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Kharchenko, National Aviation University

Doctor of Engineering. Professor.

Vice-Rector on Scientific Work, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Aviation University.

Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

Education: Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Research area: management of complex socio-technical systems, air navigation systems and automatic decision-making systems aimed at avoidance conflict situations, space information technology design, air navigation services in Ukraine provided by CNS/ATM systems.

Tatyana Shmelova, National Aviation University

Doctor of Engineering. Professor.

Professor of the Air Navigation Systems Department of the National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine.

Education: Automation and Energetics Faculty, Kirovohrad Institute of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering, Kirovohrad, Ukraine (1983).

Research area: development the evaluation system of decision-making efficiency by a human-operator of Air Navigation Socio-technical System in the expected and unexpected operating conditions of an aircraft with the influence of the professional and non-professional factors.

Yuliya Sikirda, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

Candidate of Engineering. Associate Professor.

Vice-Dean of the Management Faculty, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Associate Professor of the Management, Economy and Law Department, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine.

Education: Air Traffic Services Faculty, State Flight Academy of Ukraine, Kirovohrad, Ukraine (2001).

Research area: improving the efficiency of decision-making by a human-operator of Air Navigation Socio-technical System.


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How to Cite

Kharchenko, V., Shmelova, T., & Sikirda, Y. (2018). METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH AND TRAINING IN AIR NAVIGATION SOCIO-TECHNICAL SYSTEM. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 74(1), 8–23.




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