Love as imperial seizing in N.Scott Momaday’s House made of dawn and Joseph Boyden’s Three day road


  • О. ШОСТАК Національний авіаційний університет



imperial way of thinking, Cree, Pueblo, corporeality, sexism, gynocratic society, masculinity


The article examines the texts and discusses peculiarities of corporealityas anticolonial construction in N.Scott Momaday’s House Made of Dawn andJoseph Boyden’s Three Day Road. Critical evaluation of these works shedslight on the complexity of protagonists’ ‘otherness’ affirmation in the whitesociety as a semantic focus of the chosen novels. Through the colonizationprocesses, the corruption of the Indigenous world essential categories such as the spirit-centered, feminine-focused world-view and the land has led toperception of everything Native from the cultural bias of patriarchy. That iswhy colonizers either discount, degrade, or conceal feminine agency or atworse recontextualize it so that it would appear as patriarchal. The very ideathat patriarchy was among the gifts that Western imperial powers brought totheir colonies was an integral part of ‘civilizing mission’. The main idea ofpatriarchal colonial ideology is accomplished in the given novels through theidea that Indians have to assimilate or perish. The juxtaposition of Europeanand Indigenous in the discussed novels is presented in the form of oppositionsbetween natural freedom in corporeality and sexuality, as well as latitude inpersonal style in Native societies and conceptualized sinfulness which isattributed to body and sexuality in patriarchal Christian societies. To prove thisconcept both writers use the multiple perspectives, either in the form ofalternating focalizations or different voices to show difficulties inunderstanding opposite cultures. Alternate focalization may be found in HouseMade of Dawn, as well as in Three Day Road, where it functions as the meansof rendering heroes’ disparate experiences and the difficulty in understandingof tribal gynocratic lifestyles and Euro-American patriarchal ideology’sperception


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Literature Studies