The image of the Virgin in the Ukrainian literature of the second half of XVII-th century
image of Virgin, narrative, miracle-story, functions of actors, ecphrasisAbstract
The task of this article is to analyses the manifestation of the image of theVirgin in the literature of the XVII-th century. The objects of our investigationwere both literary works of Ukrainian Baroque writers – IoanykiyGaliatovs’kyy and Lazar Baranovych and non-verbal text – Kupiatychy icon ofthe Virgin.In this article this icon is considered as a literary image in the books ofChernigiv and Novgorod-Sivers’kyy archbishop Lazar Baranovich «Żywotyswętych» and the rector of Kyiv Mohyla collegium Ioanykiy Galatovs’kyy«New heavens». The miracle-stories are analyzed as narrative texts, in whichthe miracles are the main events. In the book of «New heavens» any trip to theicon associated with the theme of changing the physical state of a personfollowing the confession, prayer, sincere repentance and the sacrament, that area purely religious forms of communication with God. Virgin transmits anddirects its power through the Kupiatychy icon for people who need her help. Sothe image of Virgin is studied across its functions (Helper, Protector, Presenterand others). According to the author's observations in most cases Our Lady isshown as a Healer of people and their Helper. Sometimes it acts as an atypicalfunction Avenging people for their sins.According to the observations of the author, Ioanykiy Galyatovs’kyy usedas book and folkloric sources. According to the preacher, miracle-stories serveto the moral teachings of Christians, to strengthen their faith, an apology for thechurch. They can be used with polemical purpose.In this paper we study the miracle-stories as the plot texts, which operate alimited number of characters. The sacred sphere is represented by the VirginMary. The profane sphere is introduced by the villagers from Kupiatychy andother places.We also paid attention to the art space of this miracle-stories. The authorconcludes that it is arranged concentrically. Most sacred place is a church,where is the miraculous icon. The time of the main events correlated with realtime - the miracles, described in the book, taken place from 1607 to 1634 year.In this paper we also study ecphrasis showing the visions of VirginReferences
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