The form and meaning of the informative and language expression


  • Н. ТАТЬЯНЧЕНКО Національний авіаційний університет



expression, statement, text, content, meaning, inner thinking and cognition structure of text formation


The present article is devoted to the aspect of modern priority methodsand trends of formation of the mental concept of a linguistic sign (word, wordcombination, collaboration), sentence, expression, text, discourse. Theinterpretation of the informative and language expressions in accordance withthe contemporary linguistics is presented in the article. One is to express thesame idea of the source text by different words, collaborations and variedgrammatical forms. For example, the relationship between similar concepts andthere relevant language sings are different in different language situations andin interpretation of the same mental concept the other is to use differentlanguage signs and varied grammatical forms. The relation between a languagesign and the fragment of the real world it denotes is indirect and intermediatedby the mental concept. The mental concept of a given language sign is usuallyrather broad and complex, consisting of a lexical meaning or meanings, agrammatical meaning or meanings, connotations and associations on syntacticaland semantic level. The mental concept of a word or collaboration (wordcombination) is almost never precisely outlined and may be different indifferent language situations. Thus, there is opportunity to use the diversity andvariety of language signs in interpretation of extralinguistic world. Therelationship of language signs with the well-organized material world andmostly logically arranged mental images suggests that a language is an orderly system rather than a disarray of random objects, which are subordinated to thelanguage laws and rules. The ambiguity of a language makes it necessary to usesituation and context to properly generate and produce a message. In otherwords the language exists in a speech and generally speaking they areinterlinked forms of the single common phenomenon – language is a generalphenomenon and speech is a concrete phenomenon that is specified as well assentence, expression, text, discourse with specific relationships between objectsand phenomenon linguistic and extralinguistc world. The practical realm of theproblem is the center of the author’s attention. The article contains a greatamount of illustrative material which supports the theoretical theses of theinvestigation


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Language Studies. Translation Studies