Pecularities of aviation scientific and technical literature translation
scientific and technical literature, terms, ways of translationAbstract
The paper is aimed at the investigation of translation features of aviationscientific and technical literature from English into Ukrainian. Special attentionis devoted to the translation of compound terms and phrases.Scientific and technological revolution led to the activation ofcommunicative processes and to the rapid increase in the number of scientificand technical texts. Thus, the development of aviation science began.Aviation science is based on the achievements of aerodynamics, gasdynamics, thermodynamics, mechanics of flight, air navigation, automaticcontrol theory, structural mechanics, materials, acoustics, ergonomics,meteorology, medicine, economics, military science. The formation of modernaviation vocabulary is a complex unity of quantitative growth and qualitativechanges.The dynamic accumulation of concise and accurate information, is theinherent feature of aviation literature. The difficulties in translation of aviationtexts appear due to grammatical, morphological and syntactic phenomena of asource language which do not have direct correspondances in a target language,and require special language, translation and professional skills of translators.Aviation terms nominate concepts, processes, names of things, detailsrelating to the aviation field, that is why each of them is not just a semanticunit, but a word with a clear technical meaning.The paper is based on the classification of terms, proposed byA. V. Superanska, according to which, the terms are divided into words,compound terms, and phrases.Depending on models of compound words and phrases (N+N; N+Part. I;N+Part. II+N; Adj.+Part. I+N; Adj.+Part. II+N; Num.+Part. II+N) scientistssuggest the following ways of their translation: translation with the help ofgenitive case, simple adjectives, complex adjectives, appositions, subordinateattributive clauses, direct equivalents, etc.Analysis of scientific and technical literature examples shows thatcompound terms and phrases are the most difficult to translate while workingwith aviation texts. In most cases, working with compound terms, translatorsuse the following ways of translation: literal translation, translation usinggenitive case, translation with a subordinate attributive clauseReferences
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