
  • Тетяна Смірнова



transport professional language, transport terminology, ways


The article focuses on text translation of transport professional language. Any professional language is full of specific terms. To make an adequate translation a translator should not only find Ukrainian equivalents but render the original message trying to keep the stylistics. English transport terminology was being formed gradually. After several industrial revolutions new transport professions appeared (insurance broker, freight forwarder); machine building was divided into ship building, car building, aircraft building, etc. Every new industry branch has its own specific terminology which was based on the language of the leading in the field country. As the industrial revolution goes beyond the national boundaries having integration features it provokes the creation of single professional language for international communication in the transport field. Today some branches of industry penetrate into others rather actively. As a result the terms from one industry branch bring new meanings into others. Professional text translation causes a lot of difficulties as it requires the knowledge of professional terminology perfectly mastered only by professionals in the field. A translator must fully understand the text message as memorizing terms without understanding their inner meaning, without realizing phenomena and processes mentioned in the original can cause rough translation mistakes. Sometimes professional text can be rich in new lexical units which are not fixed in the dictionaries yet. A translator can render the text message with the help of the established terms in the language. All the latest scientific innovations are covered in periodical published editions which translator can easily address to. Moreover, the advice from a professional in the field can help enormously in the process of translation. In our article we use the translation ways suggested by French linguists Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet. There are seven processes that work during any translation: 1) Borrowing 2) Calque 3) Literal Translation 4) Transposition 5) Modulation 6) Equivalence 7) Adaptation. To conclude we would like to stress the idea of rendering the whole message of transport text paying attention to translation of specific terms. The further research can be conducted in the syntactical changes in the transport text translation.

Author Biography

Тетяна Смірнова


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Language Studies. Translation Studies