imperialistic model of thinking, Cree, Algonquian, maternal and parental national codesAbstract
The article discusses peculiarities of Joseph Boyden‘s novel «ThreeDay Road» psychohistoric code. Psychohistory of the novel is analyzed underthe concept of national character and the history of its formation. Paperexplores the psychohistory as an organizing construct for examining theories ofhuman development in the text of «Three Day Road». Various aspects ofimperialistic models of thinking represented in the novel are discussed alongwith the aspects of knowledge about human development from two points –mainstream Eurocentric paradigm, that is dominant in the society, as well asfrom First Nations‘ of Canada worldview. Perspectives on indigenous wisdomand ways of knowing are presented from national psychocode linking humandevelopment concerns to a holistic view of human development. The articlehighlights modern aspects of the First Nations‘ literary traditions which deepenunderstanding of parallels in Cree national character development throughsynthesis of national conscientious and un-conscientious. For the first time thepsychoanalytical theory is combined with actualization of Cree nationalcharacter evolution problems in the text analysis of Joseph Boyden‘s ―ThreeDay Road‖. The article focuses on determination of imperialistic and nationalentity codes in the text of the novel which are demonstrated upon differentlevels such as psychological, language, world outlook as well as religionperspectives. Theories about different stages of human development represented in maternal and parental codes and knowledge about assets thatfacilitate positive development of national subject at each stage of positivedevelopment in the novel are presented. Idea of national character formation inthe novel supports development that maintains positive adaptation to achanging world, and can provide a description of human development theoryfrom the perspective of traditional Aboriginal knowledge.References
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