
  • Ольга Шарагіна



silence, naturalis silentio, homo silentio, fairy-take-parable, fairy-tale-upbringing, poem-mystery


The article is devoted to peculiarities of folklore-literature synthesis ofcomposite genre modifications of poetic discourse of middle XX century. It isclarified that namely shistdesyatnyky were among first who started to reviveliterature fairy tale in lyric dimension, appealing not only to its clear genealogictype, but to intensify its Para textual function often used borrowing of folklorename.Concept of voicelessness as representative of ―quiet lyrics‖ through prismof phenomenon of natural silence and homo silence is analyzed in compositegenre-stylistic modifications of poetic works of Ukrainian poet-shistdesyatnykVasyl Symonenko on example of works ―Journey to the country Opposite‖,―Fairy tale about Durylo‖, ―The Court‖. On example of genre difference: fairytale-upbringing, fairy-tale-parable, mysteries and fables peculiarities of thisfolklore-literature synthesis are explored. Reference to «silentio» as to measureof expression of esthetic position of the artist through own didactic assignmentof composite genres is analyzed. It is stressed that rethinking of folkloremotives in author‘s subject successfully satirizes social structure and started toanalyze one of the main problems of those times – coexistence of artist andpower. Thanks to its satirical dimension these works didn‘t appeal to concretetime and space coordinates, but oriented on allegorical plot that successfullywas framed with the measures of symbolic grotesque.It is proved that lyric work of V. Symonenko is marked with its individualpattern and intonation through contrast antethicness of idea-thematicinformation content natural silence put in subtext of works. It foundspersonification in metaphoric language of composite genre-stylisticmodifications of fairy-tale-upbringing, fairy-tale-parable, mysteries and fables, that broadened moral-esthetic and cognitive function of work. Literature genresof didactic direction became a great contribution in artistic treasury of XXcentury, where image of silence as ―artistic origin‖ served as a measure ofexpression of deep thoughts of poet on reality of those times.


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Literature Studies