Formation and functioning of English industry terminology in the development of aviation


  • Наталія Глушаниця Національний авіаційний університет



cognitive linguistics, term, principles of term formation


The article studies the structure and regularities of English aviation terminology from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. Professional aviation terms are described within the limits of cognitive linguistics and conceptual integration. The structure and regularities of English aviation terminology have been studied. Considering the term as a verbalized concept and defining a cognitive function of terminological system, the cognitive projection of term processes has been defined. The correlation of terminological systems of different languages and the appropriate fragments of scientific world has been found. Analysis of scientific literature on the formation and operation of special terminology allowed to distinguish the main directions of term study: nature of the term, its characteristics (G. Leech, E. A. Nida, J. Noeschler, A. Reboul, J. Lucher.), correlation of term and concept (M. Halliday, L. Kasatkin, P. Lekant), term and nomina (Н. Marchand), ways and means of terms creation (E. Skorokhodko V. Ishchenko, E. Heraschenko), principles of organizing of scientific and technical terminology (I. Malynovska, L. Omelchenko, E. Ryahovska, R. Tsahalova). It has been determined that the specificity of terms is that they occur in the process of industrial and scientific activity and therefore only people who have the relevant scientific and production abilities and skills use them. It has been noted that the accuracy of the translation of complex terminological groups depends on the translator‘s ability to reveal the term structure (translation of English terminological group is made from the right to the left). The ways of terminology replenishment with the new words, which are formed using afixation, conversion, compounding and borrowing have been analyzed. It has been recognized that understanding of etymology of the terms of foreign origin will prevent their misuse. It has been determined that the development of aviation terminology is inextricably linked with the development of aviation. The emergence of new terms is caused by the specific features of aviation science and technology. They appear because of the need to nominate the new phenomena in aviation. The specialists of civil aviation sector, along with literary vocabulary, which is a means of professional interaction in standardized, formal situations actively use vocabulary, which is colloquial and informal. The article gives examples of jargon use in aviation according to the thematic groups. It has been proved that jargon can sometimes serve as a means of humiliation of human dignity, therefore it is better to use terms instead of jargon.

Author Biography

Наталія Глушаниця, Національний авіаційний університет


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Language Studies. Translation Studies