Verbal lexis as an artistic means of verbalization of the idea of unhappy life in the poetry by T. Shevchenko


  • Марія Павлівна Бобро кафедра загального та прикладного мовознавства ХНУ імені В. Каразіна



T. Shevchenko‘s artistic world, unhappy life, lexical-semantic


The idea of depicting unhappy life is crucial for Taras Shevchenko‘s poetry. Representing the idea of Ukrainian life as unhappy and non- harmonious, the poet relied on the lexical wealth of the Ukrainian language and basic parameters of the national linguistic worldview where it is associated with such concepts as grief, misfortune, suffering; difficult life conditions; bad health; poverty; hard, exhausting work etc. The analysis is based on about 130 verbs that are part of the lexical-semantic group ―unhappy life‖ and have been taken from T. Shevchenko‘s poems by complete sampling. The main elements of the poet‘s vocabulary that express the theme of unhappy life are the words like сумувати, нудити, погибати, в’янути, сохнути, тужити, журитися, блудити. Some lexical-semantic subgroups can be singled out, among them subgroups indicating movement (блукати, мандрувати), psychological condition (сумувати, каратись), physical condition (хиріти, пропадати), social, physical or moral suffering (терпіти, мордуватися) etc. Verbs denoting movement (блукати, блудити, проблукати, мандрувати, тинятися) make an important part of T. Shevchenko‘s poetic vocabulary. In his poems, people often roam looking for happiness. But having to go a long way often means death, unhappiness, it deprives people of the chance to be with their dearest relatives or beloved. The verbs denoting such life are often intensified by negative epithets or contexts with pejorative semantics. Unhappy life is depicted by verbs describing negative emotions (сумувати, квилити, плакати, ридати, нудити, журитися, каратися, стогнати), which are not uncommon. Such emotional condition characterizes the modus of existence of Ukrainian world as a world full of sadness, crying and sorrow. The idea of unhappy life as a life that is dying is expressed by verbs denoting bad health (здихати, конати, хиріти, пропадати, марніти) and such metaphors as сохнути, в’янути, гнити etc. Other reasons for bad life in T. Shevchenko‘s poems, as well as often in his own life, are loneliness and absence of freedom – political, social and individual. The latter is often expressed by negative forms of the verbs representing happy life, like гуляти, співати, панувати etc. Thus, unhappy life is a fundamental concept for the poet‘s works and is outlined in the coordinates of moral and physical suffering, being far from native land or home, exhausting work, loneliness, absence of freedom and others.

Author Biography

Марія Павлівна Бобро, кафедра загального та прикладного мовознавства ХНУ імені В. Каразіна


Теми і мотиви поезії Тараса Шевченка / Ю. Барабаш, О. Боронь, І. Дзюба [та ін.].; НАН України, Ін-т л-ри ім. Т. Г. Шевченка. – К. : Наук. думка, 2008. – 376 с.

Шевченко Т. Г. Повне зібрання творів: у 12 т. / Тарас Григорович Шевченко; редкол. : М.Г.Жулинський (голова) та ін. – К. : Наук. думка, 2001. Т.1 : Поезія 1837 – 1847. – 784 с.

Шевченко Т. Г. Повне зібрання творів: у 12 т. / Тарас Григорович Шевченко; редкол. : М.Г.Жулинський (голова) та ін. – К. : Наук. думка, 2001. – Т.2 : Поезія 1847 – 1861. – 784 с.





Language Studies. Translation Studies