Rendering of manipulative implicitness' means in business discource translation (based on German advertising letters
manipulative implicitness, implicature, false conclusions,Abstract
The article reviews the occurrence of linguistic manipulation, which has a hidden influence on an addressee. The study of business discourse focuses on business correspondence, represented by different text types according to their functional feature. The author characterizes the structure and functions of an advertising letter that has hidden impact on an addressee. The notion of linguistic manipulation is defined and the role of implicit information in the process of false conclusions‘ inducing is pointed out within the study. It is also mentioned that the implicit sense of advertising letters is based on sense riddle, which is decoded by the knowledge of extratextual reality. The article points out the major types of linguistic manipulations and expressive language means for their realization, summarizes the process of identification and representation of implicit information. The author figures out the types of implicit senses according to representation methods and means of implicit information. The process of implicit information rendering is emphasized, which is dedicated to evaluative presuppositions, implemented through the evaluative vocabulary and rhetorical figures. The article stresses that the latters help an addressee to extract necessary information owing the determination of relationships of cause and effect between the components of an utterance. The process of deducing the conventional, subject and communicative implicatures is taken into consideration. The article uncovers the peculiarities of conventional implicatures and their indicators. The author points out that an addressee implements his / her convictions and stereotyped concepts for the subject implicature deduction, which may provoke the false conclusions. It is also stressed that the conventional meaning of used words and their referents, cooperative principle and its maxims, the context of an utterance and background knowledge are needed for deducing the communicative implicature providing that above mentioned information is relevant to both communication participants. The article summarizes the major peculiarities and methods of representation the manipulative implicitness in German advertising letters‘ translation.References
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