Thematic and rhematic articulation as a means of text connexity and peculiarities of its Ukrainian translation types (The research is based on the Ukrainian translation of English Language scientific-technical and scientific popular prose)





 The article deals with the problem of thematic and rhematic articulation in interpreting text connexity and peculiarities of its Ukrainian translation types. Thematic and rhematic articulation analyzed can be regarded as a common microsign that provides connections for the surface structure. On the other hand, thematic and rhematic articulation can be regarded as an important microsign with the help of which reveal the macrosigns and the peculiarities of the texts superstructure. An adequate reproduction of coherent structure of the original texts requires that thematic and rhematic articulation should be preserved in case when it is sure to reveal the macrosigns and the peculiarities of the texts superstructure.

Author Biography




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Language Studies. Translation Studies