



міжособистісна комунікація, навички ефективної комунікації, спілкування, самооцінка, сприйняття, емпатія, гуманістична теорія


In this article, it is mentioned about some basic approaches and definitions about the concept of communication in within the scope of psychology. Firstly, it will be focussed on explaining and understanding as the scope of effective communication skills.According to humanists, human beings are valuable, unique and special. Communication is a necessity for a person to know himself/herself, others and his/her environment and to pursue his/her life. It is an indispensable factor of our lives. In this respect, it is possible to consider communication as a science of explanation and agreement among people.  It has been seen that human beings transfer their culture and civilization to the new generation by affecting each other, by gathering their efforts and struggles by expressing their knowledge, emotions and ideas by means of communication.  Interpersonal relationships in daily life and at work are shaped by individuals’ own feelings, others’ feelings and interpersonal behaviours. An effective interpersonal communication depends on successful emotion management. People have to communicate with other people to live and realize their social solidarity.  They became successful and feel relieved as long as they behave positively at their communication. Those who know communication principle and have these skills can describe their ideas and influence them easily.  Comprehensively, communication is to form a common tolerance and supply interaction between persons, groups, association by transmission of different ideas, knowledge and sense. This communication allows to obtain correct knowledge in the right place and in right time.

Understanding the approaches about how the communication is formed and the development of communication will be useful in terms of understanding the literature based on the concept of communication. In this handoutis handledeffective communication processes and interpersonal communication skills according to humanistic theory.For this, literature search was conducted.


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Language Studies. Translation Studies