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Author Guidelines

To authors of the Proceedings of scientific works "Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities"

The editorial board of the Proceedings of scientific works "Humanitarian Education In Technical Universities" in the Teaching and Research Institute of Humanities of the National Aviation University (Kyiv) invites scientists, professors, doctoral and graduate students who are interested in the problems of linguistics, literature and translation to submit articles to the next release.

The Proceeding has published since 2002 and it is a scientific professional edition of Philology studies under the Order of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 12.21.2015 number 132, it is also included in the list of professional printed publications of Ukraine, where the results of thesis for academic degrees or doctor and candidate degrees can be published, which is approved by order of Ukraine from 05.16.2016 № 515. Certificate of registration number CT 16149-4621R from 20.01.2010. The publication has ISSN, Centre International de l'ISSN 2413-3094, is indexed in RYNTS, Google Scholar. The electronic version of the Proceedings is posted in repository of NAU and Scientific Technical Library of NAU, National Vernadsky Library.

Frequency - 2 times a year.

The editorial board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject articles that do not meet requirements. The reliability of the facts, statistics and other information is the responsibility of the authors. Reprinted collection is allowed only with the permission of the author and publisher.

Requirements for articles

Please observe the following rules for preparation of the manuscript for the Proceeding of scientific works "Humanitarian Education In Technical Universities":

Following the Provision № 7-05/1 of the Supreme Licensing Board of Ukraine “On Stricter Requirements to Specialised Editions listed with the SLBU” dd. 15/01/2003.

Submissions sent to the "Humanitarian Education In Technical Universities" editorial board should be structured and have:

1) scientific issue and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;

2) analysis of recent research and publications in which  the scientific problem solving is demonstrated;

3) analysis of the recent studies and publications which preliminary dealt with the challenge and served as an analytical basis for the author; identification of unresolved issues in the field of discussion as a topic of the article;

4) the main goals for the article to achieve (objective-setting);

5) presentation of the main body of the research with thorough verification of its results;

6) clearly stated research findings and further possible developments in this field.

Language of publication - Ukrainian.

The submission should be from 20 thousand marks (0.5 quires) to 26 thousand  marks (0.65 quires).

Article is prepared in text editor Microsoft Word 2003-2013 as follows:

1) UDC (left). UDC library system checked.

Incorrect UDC prevents the distribution of materials in electronic databases of libraries;

2) the name of the author (left bold style name in capital letters);

3) the title of the article (centered, top margin, bottom margin 6 pt, bold font capital letters);

4) place of work, e-mail authors;

5) annotation in Ukrainian (size 10);

6) keywords in Ukrainian separated by the semicolons (5 to 10 words);

7) headers sections (Introduction, Analysis of studies and publications, Scientific issue, Title to chapter I, Title to chapter II, Conclusions, Reference List).

8) the name, title, abstract, keywords in Russian through a semicolon (size 10) (space above and below 6 points);

9) First  name and Last name, Title of the article, Abstract, Keywords in English separated by semicolons (size 10) (space above and below 6 pt).

Requirements to the article:

  • Size А4;
  • Margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm.
  • Font – Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – 1, paragraph margin – 1,25 см.
  • The chapters of the article are highlighted with the bold font. Distinguish dash ( – ) and hyphen (-); for quotes use follow quotation marks: «…»;

Requirements to the reference list:

List of references (centered, top margin, bottom margin 6 pt, bold font);
Sources in the list of references arranged alphabetically, make it according to the state standard of Ukraine ISO 8302: 2015 "Citations. Terms and rules of making ";


Citations of theoretical sources are given in following brackets for one source [2, p. 24]; for several sources [2; 6; 7];

On the web page: Terminology legislation Ukraine.- Access:


Responsibility for the selection, accuracy of the facts, quotations, statistics, dates, names, place names and other information as well as disclosure which is not open publication lies with the authors of published materials. Reprinting of materials published in the journal is allowed only with permission of the author and publisher;

The articles which do not meet the requirements may be refused for publication. Editorial board reports only the decision to publish;
Editorial board does not give the review for the submitted materials and in case of refusal to publish does not return the manuscript. Editorial board does not come into theoretical discussions.

Reviewing is done on a «double-blind peer review» principle.
References to the Proceedings in case of citing these materials is obligatory.

Example Article

УДК 81-114.2: 81-115



У статті розглянуто проблему детермінізації процесів найменувань крізь призму внутрішньої форми слова, що виявляє себе своєрідним маркером національного світовідчуття і світорозуміння. Далі текст анотації до 70 слів.

Ключові слова: внутрішня форма слова, мовна картина світу, мотивація, похідне слово.

Постановка проблеми. Сучасні мовознавчі дослідження, зважаючи на дедалі глибше взаємопроникнення гуманітарних наук як намагання дати відповідь, зокрема, й на новітні науково-методологічні виклики у царині студій антропоцентричної спрямованості, все частіше актуалізовують проблемні питання з’ясування  ролі та функцій мови як національного чинника, що забезпечує консолідацію етносу, розвиток його творчого та інтелектуального потенціалу, збереження і відтворення в просторі та часі духовних і матеріальних цінностей [1, с. 3].

(текст – продовження)


1. Білецький А. О. Про мову і мовознавство: навч. посібник / Андрій Олександрович Білецький. – К.:  АртЕк, 1997. – 224 с.

2. Блинова О. И. Явление мотивации слов: Лексикологический аспект / Блинова О. И. – Томск: ТГУ, 1984. – 191 с.



В статье рассмотрена проблема детерминизации процессов наименований сквозь призму характера внутренней формы слова, которая выступает своеобразным маркером национального мироощущения и миропонимания. Дальше текст аннотации до 70 слов.

Ключевые слова: внутренняя форма слова, языковая картина мира, мотивированность, производное слово.



The problem of determination of the nominative processes according to the nature of the inner form of a word is being researched. The inner form of a word is regarded as a peculiar “marker” of national world perception and world understanding. Далі текст розширеного резюме – мінімально 2200 символів з пробілами.

Key words: the inner form of a word, language world view, motivation, derived word.

Terms of payment

Editorial fee is payable after notice of the editorial board of the acceptance of your manuscript.

Procedure for submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

1. Information about the author;

2. The article and its thematic focus (linguistics, literature, translation);

3. Scanned electronic copy of payment of editorial fees (after approval of the article for publication);

4. Author's summary article in English for posting on the website edition (Summary of article 1 page (2200 characters), according to the order of MES of Ukraine number 1111 from 17.10.2012. "On Approving the Procedure for drawing up a list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine";

5. For authors without scientific degree the review of supervisor (scanned) is required or the review of a person having a scientific degree (reviewer's signature must be approved of the Human Resources Department or the stamp of the faculty (institute).

Example signature files: Fedorov_fee, Fedorov_report, Fedorov_article, Fedorov_review.

Sample Information about authors

Name and surname of the author (s)

Details of supervisor;

(Name, degree, rank, position)

is filled in case of the absence of a scientific degree

Journal category

Place of work (study), degree, rank, position
E-mail address
Postal address (modeled Street. Akhmatova b.9 Apt. 436, c. Kyiv, 02095)

Contact Information:

Editorial board of the Proceedings of scientific works
"Humanitarian Education In Technical Universities"

Department of Ukrainian Language and Culture

Educational and Research Institute of Humanities of the National Aviation University;

Kyiv, Komarova avenue, 1. Building  8, room. 901.


An obligatory payment for the publication has been introduced

Dear authors!

In order to compensate printing expenses connected with edition of the scientific journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” an obligatory payment for the publication has been introduced. It constitutes 300 UAH for the article (one printed issue of the scientific journal is included). Taking into account posting and banking additional expenses the maximum charge for the publication can amount to 400 UAH.

For Doctors of Sciences and authors who have articles in Scopus, the publication in the Proceeding is free.

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial board of our journal pass:

- double “blind” review. Articles are edited by Ukrainian and foreign scientists – leading specialists in the area of knowledge connected with the article’s content;

- verification of uniqueness of the text.

Following the positive response of the reviewer we send the author the bank payment details. After the bank payment in any bank department of Ukraine the article is accepted for the publication.

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