About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Scientific journal "Humanitarian Education in Technical Universitites" is founded in 2002. The journal contains articles of scientists, doctorants, PhD students about contemporary issues of Language studies, Literature studies, Translation. The research is completed using contemporary achievemnets of Philology science. Supreme Atestation Commission of Ukraine assigned to the scientific professional publications in the field of philology studies.

Language: Ukrainian

ISSN 2413-3094 (Print)

Peer Review Process

Publication Process in the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

Only original and previously unpublished articles can be submitted to the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”.

The author’s submitted material of a written scientific work (article) should correspond to the journal topics and the requirements proposed for publishing.

The Editorial Board of the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” evaluates the articles for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or political opinions of the author of a written scientific work (article).

If the authors of a written scientific work (article) used the works and / or statements of other people, they must be properly formed.

Publication of the other article for your own, copying or paraphrasing of substantial parts of borrowed text (without affiliation), the assignment of the research results conducted by others are regarded as unethical behavior.

The Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” uses Open Journal System created to monitor the submission of materials and the review process.

The System provides the authors with opportunity to submit materials and the reviewers to submit reviews online for further proceeding.

After loading the materials the whole process can be viewed online in the unified System.

Benefits to Authors of a Written Scientific Work (Article)

National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” makes all efforts to protect  the copyrights.

The Journal "Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities" offers the authors of  a written scientific work (article) liberal copyright policy. The main advantages of the publication in the Journal "Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities"  are the following:

- The authors upload their articles using the available interface platform;

- All submitted and published articles are archived on the Journal’s web-site.

During the publication process the system automatically tracks and stores the downloaded files, the index of accepted / rejected articles, all submission stages and Editorial decisions.

- The review process is automated and nonbiased: the database system stores information about the scope of scientific interests of each reviewer and contact information;

- Electronic messages to users are sent automatically during all publication stages.

- System used for the Journal editing allows to carry out the process of the work (article) submission remotely via the Internet, by attracting editors, reviewers and authors from other countries.

- The system supports the publication of articles in various formats (html, pdf, mp3). The support of simple multimedia components and full-color graphics, the implementation of which is not available in a paper format, is successfully implemented in the Journal "Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities".

- Reading Tools includes the links to additional information about the author (e-mail address), provide RSS-feed and the search for similar material on the site.

In the Section “About the publication System” you can find some information about the publication process in the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/visnik/about/aboutThisPublishingSystem .

Find a Topic

The Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” provides two periodical publications annually in:

- Language Studies. Translation Studies;
-Literature Studies

During the selection of the right journal, the author of a written scientific work (article) shall:

- check the aims and scope of the journal to see if the article is a good fit;

- submit a work (article) to only one journal at a time;

Check the Guide for Authors which will include information on the type of articles accepted, graphics specification, acceptable language and article length.

Preparing of a Written Scientific Work (Article)

Compliance with the Guide for Authors of a written scientific work (article) is the essential component in the publication process.

The Guide for Authors of a written scientific work (article) is available on the journal web-site http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/go/about/submissions#authorGuidelines and contains information pertinent to the:

- the materials formalities;

- article structure;

- keywords;

- requirements for artworks;

- ethics;

- conflicts of interest;

- copyright.

Peer Review System

The Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” is committed to improve services for authors of a written scientific work (article), Editorial Board and reviewers by migrating its journal publication process to an online workflow:

- fast article registration;

- review and publication speed;

- article tracking process by the author;

- tracking of on-line quotation;

- tracking of scientometrical characteristics by the author;

- e-mail receiving at each stage of review and publication.

The Journal has a homepage with a link ”Send an article” (http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/go)

which will take you to the page “New Submission”, intended for the creation and uploading of various files.

This system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article which is used in the peer-review process.

Peer Review

Peer review is a critical element of scholarly publication and helps the author to improve his/her submitted work.

The Editorial Board of the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” agrees that all scientists who wish to contribute in any publication should perform their duties  as a reviewer properly.

The articles in the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” are reviewed by independent acknowledged experts in their fields.

The reviewers are appointed by the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board.

Peer review serves two key functions:

- determine the validity, significance and originality of the article;

- to improve the quality of research submitted for publication.

Reviews on submitted works must be objective.

Personal remarks of the author of a written scientific work (article) are misplaced.

The reviewers are expected to express their clear and ground opinions.

Open Access Publishing

There are a number of open access publishing options which give the researchers a freedom to choose publications.

Check the Status of the Submitted Paper

It is possible to follow the status of the submitted article in the Editorial System (ES) by using a password which is received by e-mail.

The status of the paper will be changed during the peer-review process according to the items “Under Review”, “Review Completed”, “Decision in the Process to Accept”, “Materials Submission”.

Check the Status of the Accepted Paper

Accepted articles will be published online on web-site http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/go

It is possible to track the articles throughout the whole process concerning the preparation to the publication.

Once the article is accepted, its status can be checked in the production tracking system at the author personal profile.


PDF e-offprints are e-mailed after an article appearing online (paid).

Check the dispatch date using the article tracking facility.

Delivery time depends on the destination.


As soon as the article has been typeset, a page proof in the form of a DOC file will be sent to the author of a written scientific work (article).

Accurate proofreading and clear marking of the corrections are essential for the article quality.

Careful proofreading is solely the responsibility of the author of a written scientific work (article).

Please mark any necessary corrections in a distinct manner.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” will do everything it can to have the article corrected and published as quickly and accurately as possible. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all corrections are sent in one communication.

Open Access Policy

The Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” pursues a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for the sake of social progress. Open Access Policy implies the journal’s free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Artur Gudmanian, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Responsible editor: Prof. Anna Mezhzherina, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Technical editor: Nadiya Senchylo, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Editorial board:

Prof. Alla Arkhangelska, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

Prof. Iryna Burlakova, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Prof. Antonina, Gurbanska, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine

Prof. Abdülkadir, Kabadayi, Necmettin ErbakanUniversity, Turkey

Prof. Lada Kolomiets, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine

Prof. Valentyna Shulgina, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Prof. Roman Tkachenko, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Ass. Prof. Olga Artyushkin, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III,  France

Ass. Prof. Galina Encheva, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Ass. Prof. Oksana Zhuravleva, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Ass. Prof. Svetlana Litvinskaya, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Ass. Prof. Anastasia Sibruk, National Aviation University, Ukraine


Abstracting systems and journal databases




Simle Search Metadata (SSM)


The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine


Scientific and Technical Library of the NAU

Web-based search systems


Google Scholar


WorldCat (OAIster)


Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

Serial registries




Publication Ethics and Malpractice

Publishing Ethics and the prevention of ethics abuse concluded with publication guidelines Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) and in accordance with the recommendations of Elsevier

General duties and responsibilities of National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The publication of a written scientific work (article) is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the work quality of the authors and the institutions that support them.

Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” is responsible for making the decision which articles will be published in the Journal.

The Editorial Board:

• strives to meet the needs of readers and authors;

• constantly improves the Journal;

• ensures the quality of the material it publishes;

•ensures transparency and openness of the research issues presented by the  University research departments and other research and education establishments in the aviation industry of Ukraine and other countries;

• maintains the integrity of the academic record;

• precludes the compromising of intellectual standards;

• always is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

Relations with Readers of the Journal Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” informs the readers about the research results conducted in research and academic institutions of Ukraine and other countries.

Checking of materials on originality, relevance to the topic and its importance for researchers and readers should be always the main factors that influence on the decision to publishing.

Relations with the Authors of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

When registering a written scientific work (article) on the website of the Proceeding “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” the authors may be requested to load their personal information (surname, first and patronymic names, date of birth, academic degree, scientific degree,  research interests, place of employment, occupation, town, country, e-mail, etc.)

The author of a written scientific work (article) is obligated:

- be responsible for accuracy of the facts, names, photos, and other content of the article not to violate effective legislation of Ukraine;

- eliminate drawbacks of a written scientific work (article);

Research data must be clearly stated in writing. The article should contain sufficient information and references to primary sources that allow others to use the work.

Fraudulent or inaccurate statements are equivalent to unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

The authors of a written scientific work (article) should be ready to provide free access to the source data, if it is possible, and should keep the data within a reasonable time after their publication.

The author of a written scientific work (article) should not submit the same article or the article based on the same research results in other journals. An article submitted to more than one journal simultaneously regarded as unethical behavior and it is unacceptable.

The author of a written scientific work (article) should not submit previously published articles to other journals.

It is required to use quotations in a proper way. The authors of a written scientific work (article) must make reference to the publication that made a fundamental impact on the determination of the character and nature of the submitted work. Information obtained privately through private conversations, correspondence or discussion with third parties should not be used without written permission.


The articles review and special publications should be accurate and objective.

A written work (article) should meet submission requirements of the Proceeding “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”.

The decision concerning publication is made by the Editorial Board of the Proceeding after the work has been reviewed blindly by acknowledged experts in the research area and with the focus on the work’s scientific novelty and relevance to the issue.

Copy right is transferred to the National Aviation University, as the editor of the Journal, on the basis of the copyright agreement signed between an author or authors of a written scientific work (article) and the Journal.

The author of a written scientific work (article) guarantees that:

1) the content of the article is original without loans and all references and quotations are accurate;

2) the article was not published previously anywhere;

3) the article is not the essence of the processing of previously published articles and it contains new material or new research results;

4) the article does not contain materials which are prohibited for open publications according to current legislation of Ukraine and its publication will not lead to disclosure information with restricted access (confidential information, state secrets);

5) the names of all co-authors of the work (article) are listed and no person who is not a co-author is included into the list, all co-authors of the written scientific work (articles) got acquainted with the final version of the article, approved it and gave their consent to publication;

The author of a written scientific work (article) shall:

1) make corrections in the text of the article mentioned by reviewers and approved by the editorial board of the Proceeding and / or revise the article if necessary;

2) give permission to use their personal data (surname, first name, middle name, scientific degree, academic degree, job, position, communications) according to the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection".

The Editorial Board of the Proceeding “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” takes special actions to ensure the quality of the published scientific works (articles).

The decision of the Editorial Board of the Proceeding “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” on acceptance or rejection of a written scientific work (article) is based on the importance, originality, clarity, scientific level, the availability of research results, design, journal topics.

The Editorial Board of the Proceeding “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” publishes the submission requirements which are regularly revised.

The Editorial Board of the Proceeding “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” does not change the decision concerning the accepted materials unless there is a serious argument.

Materials and articles are not returned.

The articles are published in the Proceeding are not paid. Royalty is not paid likewise.

The author is responsible for the reliability of facts, statistics and other information.

Relations with the Reviewers of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The decision of the Editorial Board of the publication of the articles should be based on the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" that prohibits the copyright infringement and plagiarism.

All articles published in the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” are reviewed by the Editorial Board.

The articles are reviewed by acknowledged experts in the relevant field of science and highly qualified practitioners.

An appointed reviewer who believes that their qualification is not sufficient to review the submitted materials or is aware of their enability to provide the review in time must inform the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board and refuse from the review process.

The Reviewers can not be supervisors of the authors and/or co-authors of the a written scientific work (article), Rectors and/or Pro-Rectors of high educational establishments, heads of organizations and their deputies, personnel of the departments, laboratories and units where the authors and/or co-authors are employed or personnel of the research work which was ordered, supervised or accomplished by the authors and/or co-authors of the a written scientific work (article) submitted.

The terms of  review are set by the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board.

The article is passed to the reviewer in an electronic and (or) a printed form.

The names of reviewers are not disclosed by the Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”.

The Peer-Review Process of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” has the systems to ensure that the materials submitted to its  Journal remain confidential while under review.

Any statements, conclusions or arguments which have been used previously in any publications must be properly formulated.

A Reviewer must pay attention to full or partial similarity with any other work which is known to the reviewer.

Complaints concerning the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” follows the Complaints procedure set out at National Aviation University regarding the Publishing Ethics.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” responds promptly to the complaints and ensurеs a way to avoid situations with dissatisfied complainants.

The authors of a written scientific work (article) send the complaints in writing to the Editorial Board, which considers them in time.

Encouraging Academic Integrity of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” ensures that the research material they publish conforms to internationally accepted ethical guidelines.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” recognises that   there is no guarantee that the research materials are ethical.

Protecting Personal Data

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” keeps confidentiality of any personal information.

The personal data of authors of submitted works are used by the Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” according to the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection”.

The personal data of the authors are used to reasonably support operation and maintenance of the Journal website and to contribute into development of the International scientometric database.

The Editorial Board and other staff of the the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” are not allowed to disclose information about publishing status to anyone but a submitter.

Pursuing Misconduct in the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” has a duty to act if it suspects misconduct.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” does not simply reject papers that raise concerns about possible misconduct. It is ethically obliged to pursue alleged cases.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” follows the Publishing Ethics and makes all reasonable efforts to ensure  the solution of problems concerning ethical character between the authors of a written scientific work (article) and the National Aviation University as the editor of the Journal.

Ensuring the Integrity of the Academic Record of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

Whenever it is recognized that a signifcant inaccuracy misleading statement or distorted report has been published, it is corrected promptly and with due prominence.

If the author of a written scientific work (article) reveals a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, he shall immediately notice about it the publisher of the journal and assist in removing or correcting mistakes.

If the publisher is informed by a third party that the published work contains inaccurate data, the author should correct it promptly and with a due prominence.

Relations of the Editorial Board with the Publisher of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The relations of the Editorial Board  of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” with the publisher in each case are based firmly on the principle of Editorial independence.

Commercial Considerations

Due to research character of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” any kind of advertisments is not published.

The Editorial Board will seek assistance in establishing cooperation with other journals and / or publishers when required.

Conflict of Interest

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” has the systems for managing its own conflicts of interest by its staff, authors, reviewers and Editorial Board members.

All authors of the written scientific work (article) must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest which may affect the research results or their interpretation.

All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest:

- Information about the employer;

- Information consultations;

- Fees;

- Stipendiary expert testimonies;

- Patent applications / registrations;

- Grants;

- Other types of financing.

All potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed at the earliest stage.

Unpublished materials used in the article should not be used without the written permission of the author.

Non-public information or ideas obtained during the review must be kept confidential and not used for personal purposes.

The Reviewers should not participate in the review and evaluation of the articles which they are personally interested in.

The Editorial Board should require from all participants the disclosure of relevant competing interests and the publication corrections if the conflict of interest was detected after the publication.

If need the other appropriate actions should be undertaken (e.g., cancellation of the publication or apology).

Process for Dealing with Complaints

A complaint  is submitted by an author of a written scientific work (article), reader, reviewer in writing to the Editorial Board.

If required the complaint is transferred for consideration by the Chief editor of the Journal ”Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”.

When submitting of an ethics complaint about the given or published article, the Chief editor shall:

- directly contact with the author of a written scientific work (article);

- provide an appropriate consideration of the relevant complaints or claims;

- send appeal to the relevant research institutions.

The Chief editor of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” does not deal with complaints concerning editorial judgment or the criticism about the editorial materials.

Publishing Ethics of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities”

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of the science of Ukraine. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them.

It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author of a written scientific work (article), the reviewer, the  Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” pays a great attention to the scientific materials and is responsible for them according to the principles and ethics standards.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” plays a leading role in establishing the publishing standards and policies that contribute into effective sharing of research results, promotion of business ethics and the growth of scholarly publications.

Ethics Resource Kit

Examples of the publishing ethics issues the Editorial Board might face to are as follows:

- an author copying of a substantial part of another's work without acknowledgment;

- passing another's work off as her or his own;

- fraudulent research;

- and authorship disputes.

National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” considers that Publishing Ethics is one of the main aspects of the publishing and review processes and therefore it applies to obligations of the Chief editor and the Editorial Board.

National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” recognizes that the university track of the principles adherence of publishing ethics is one of the main components of the review of such edition and it is in the responsibility of the Chief  editor.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” follows such legal requirements as to prevent libel, copyright infringement, plagiarism.

National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” undertakes actions to assist the scientific community in all aspects of implementing policies to comply Publishing Ethics, especially in the cases of suspected overlapping of the article submission or plagiarism.


Other Initiatives

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities” is also active in other publishing ethics initiatives.

National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal ”Proceedings of National Aviation University” is ready to sign up to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), a charitable organization that provides a forum for scientific journal editors and publishers to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work submitted to or published in their journals.