Introduction to in vitro culture and clonal micropropagation of narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)


  • I.S. Shliakhtun National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine



narrow-leaved lavender, clonal micropropagation, Munstead, Ellagance Purple


Narrow-leaved lavender is an essential oil crop that has wide commercial use. The aim of the work was to obtain narrow-leaved lavender lines and develop the technology of their clonal micropropagation. Commercial varieties of narrow-leaved lavender "Munstead" and "Ellagance Purple" grown in open ground were used as research materials. The plant material was sterilized by two methods and planted on nutrient media with different kinetin content to determine the effect of growth hormones on lavender morphogenesis in vitro. The obtained results indicate that the regenerative capacity of lavender tissues is affected by the composition of the nutrient medium, the sterilization scheme of explants, and the conditions of in vitro cultivation.

Author Biography

I.S. Shliakhtun, National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine




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Experimental articles