Monitoring of village cultures viral infections in the territory of Ukraine


  • В. О. Цвігун Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS of Ukraine
  • Т. П. Шевченко Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • А. Л. Бойко Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS of Ukraine



vegetable crops, ELISA, CMV, TMV, WMV-2, ZYMV


Selection of plants of the family Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae was performed on the characteristic symptoms. With the help of ELISA and electron microscopy were identified 5 types of viruses among vegetable crops in Ukraine. We found the following viral antigens, namely: cucumber mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus 2,  zucchini yellow mosaic virus, and  mosaic virus of tomatoes.

Author Biographies

В. О. Цвігун, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS of Ukraine

head of the laboratory of virus ecology, candidate of biological science

Т. П. Шевченко, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

associate professor of the department of virology, candidate of biological science

А. Л. Бойко, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS of Ukraine

chief scientist, doctor of biological science, professor, academician of NAAS


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Experimental articles