content-procedural block, diagnostic-productive block, model, simulation, future teacher training, model of the future teacher training for creation a health- preservation environment at primary school, theoretical and methodological blockAbstract
The article deals with the model of the future teacher training for the creation of a health-preservation environment at primary school in the form of conditionally differentiated blocks, which elements ensure the consistency, interdependence and complexity of the investigated process, as well as the possibility of practical design and experimental verification.
The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the model of the future teacher training for the creation of a health-preservation environment at primary school.
During the research, the following methods were used: analysis method, synthesis method, comparison method, method of scientific literature generalization on the research problem in order to find out the state of its scientific development, the definition of the terminology apparatus of the study; simulation method to develop a model of preparing a future teacher to create a health-preservation environment at primary school.
The model of the future teacher training for the creation of a health-preservation environment at primary school, which consists of three blocks: theoretical and methodological, including the purpose of the activity and the tasks that specify it; methodological approaches and principles of successful implementation of the simulated process; content-procedural, which involves the definition of preparation stages, the resource of its provision, the forms and methods of implementation of the simulated process; diagnostic-productive, which reproduces the structural components of the model, which give an opportunity to study the effectiveness of the modeled process of future teacher training, using the definite and characterized result of the investigated aspect of preparation and its diagnostic tool of research, was substantiated. The essence of the concept of “model of the future teacher training for creation a health- preservation environment at primary school” is substantiated as the integral image of the investigated process, which reproduces the interconnected structural components of training, the development of which allows to distinguish its internal structure, the basis for the result diagnosis, the system of factors (pedagogical conditions) affecting it, procedural and resource support for improving the simulated processReferences
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