Determination of levels of harassment of students on the set of educational achievements discipline "Mathematics for Economists"
It is developed and proved to practical realization of procedure of determination of levels of solicitations on the plural of educational achievements of students certain on the 100-ball scale of evaluation of knowledges, by the analysis of first pokhіdnoi from analytical description of the proper functions of utility. The individual functions of utility, built by 120-ма students-economists during the study of educational discipline of «Mathematician for economists», succeed to be described by the polynomial of the third degree. It is discovered that only for 10% students (all of them feed by the basic dominant of educational activity a «weakness to the risk») the proper quadratic equalizations have actual roots. Thus their size causes the deep doubting in relation to accordance to the concept «level of solicitations», as less, even the generally accepted criterion of academic progress, set in a 100-ball scale for an estimation «satisfactorily». Other ways are drawn for the construction of functions of utiliy and determination of levels of solicitations of students.References
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