aviation industry, flight attendants, safety culture, psychological factors, competence, communication, self-control, stress resistanceAbstract
The study is devoted to the current problem of aviation today - safety culture. Features of the components of the safety culture are outlined, in particular, the study deals with the safety culture of flight attendants. The main attention is paid to the definition and research of psychological factors of increasing the safety culture of flight attendants.
The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the psychological factors of the safety culture of flight attendants.
The results of the study showed the following: on the basis of theoretical analysis, the main psychological factors influencing the improvement of safety culture of flight attendants were determined, namely: stress resistance, self-control in communication and competence in conflict resolution. Safety culture means the consistent value, priority and commitment to safety by each individual, group and organization, and the attitudes, norms and behaviors associated with the safe provision of air navigation services; As a result of the diagnosis of strategies for coping with stressful situations, we found that flight attendants use different strategies to cope with stress, and some of them are more pronounced and widespread, such as "seeking social support" and "avoidance". Analysis of the results of the other three methods shows that flight attendants have an average level of stress resistance and self-control in communication, which allows them to function in moderately stressful conditions, but requires an increase in the effectiveness of stress management and self-control to improve their professional performance. Through the use of the author's safety culture questionnaire, we found that the majority of flight attendants are well aware of this concept and recognize its importance for their professional activities.
Correlational analysis revealed significant positive correlations between stress resilience and avoidant stress coping strategies, and between conflict resolution competence and impulsive and avoidant stress coping strategies.
The conclusions summarize the importance of research in the direction of improving the safety culture of flight attendants and outline further ways of developing psychological and pedagogical research in the aviation industry.
Key words: aviation industry; flight attendants; safety culture; psychological factors; competence; communication; self-control; stress resistance.
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