
  • Elvira Luzik
  • Valentyna Semychenko
  • Kateryna Artiushyna



ambiguity as an organic feature of the life of a modern person, ambiguity tolerance/intolerance, theoretical modeling, observation, and survey


  The article is devoted to the issue of determining the strategies of an individual’s behavior in ambiguous situations.  The purpose of the article is to analyze and outline the prospects for further deepening the methodological foundations and methodical basis for solving the problem of ambiguity in psychology and to reveal the features of their projection on the activities of higher education institutions as specific systems.

The study is based on using the following methods: theoretical analysis, comparison and generalization, theoretical modeling, observation, and survey.

During the research, the expediency of considering human behavior in difficult life conditions was substantiated by two strategies: a systemic strategy, reflecting a person’s tendency to act in conditions of stability, orderliness, and clear guidelines, and a synergistic strategy based on the readiness to make optimal decisions and take effective actions in conditions of ambiguity. Based on the theoretical analysis, the main characteristics of these strategies have been identified, and their organic relationship with such psychological characteristics of the individual as intolerance (when oriented towards the systemic strategy) and tolerance (when oriented towards a synergistic strategy) of ambiguity has been proved. The diagnostic base for identifying the indicators of tolerance/intolerance in psychology has been analyzed.

The results of the study confirmed the expediency of using these two types of strategies to identify the features of human behavior in ambiguous situations. Based on the initial theoretical model, founded on the polarity principle, the individual indicators of tolerance and intolerance are considered not as qualitatively separate and relatively independent psychological traits of a person, but as a certain ratio along a continuum of potential values. The set of constructs that are involved in diagnosing a person’s inclination to a certain strategy has been expanded and differentiated by scales. A specific example demonstrates what empirical indicators can be obtained in an applied study and how they can be interpreted.

The results of the study have led to conclusions about the nature and features of systemic and synergistic behavior strategies in ambiguous situations. These conclusions support the integration of these concepts into the scientific thesaurus and highlight the potential applications of related research topics and the proposed diagnostic methodology while investigating psychological issues of higher education and other social systems.

  Keywords: ambiguity as an organic feature of the life of a modern person, ambiguity tolerance/intolerance, systemic and synergistic behaviour strategies in situations, diagnostic methods of ambiguity tolerance.


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