
  • Lada Yakovytska National Aviation University
  • Oleksii Horskyi National Aviation University
  • Oksana Lych National Aviation University



readiness for risk; adaptation mechanisms; conformity; social conformity; personal conformity


The article examines the specifics of the socio-psychological components of the professional activity of military personnel in uncertain conditions: the possibility of minimizing the risks of "person-person" interaction; peculiarities of adaptation to the risks of professional activity, personal readiness for risk; willingness to adapt to an uncertain situation; the ability to solve a problem, even if it is not possible to calculate all possible consequences of the decision made, that is, accepting an obviously ambiguous idea or agreeing with the position of the majority. The purpose of the study is to empirically study the features of the socio-psychological adaptation of military personnel, which are positively correlated with their readiness to take risks in professional activities. The empirical material was collected with the help of the following methods: the method for researching integral indicators of social and psychological adaptation by K. Rogers - R. Diamond, the 16-factor test of R. Kettel (16 PF) scale Q2, the conformity test, the method of diagnosing the level of risk readiness A Schubert. The results. Nonconformism and conformity are defined as adaptive strategies of military servicemen's behavior that increase the degree of cohesion of their professional groups. Conformism is also found in military activity, being rather a form of active adaptation, when military personnel learn and adapt to ready-made forms of professional behavior. The analysis of the obtained results showed that in military men there is a significant positive correlation between the indicator of readiness for risk and the indicator of social conformity according to Kettel (factor Q2) (r=0.73); negative correlation with the indicator of personal conformity and the level of readiness for risk (r=-0.31). In the female sample, similar results were obtained: a positive correlation between the indicator of readiness for risk and the indicator of conformity according to Kettel (factor Q2 - social conformity) (r=0.48), a negative correlation between the indicator of readiness for risk and personal conformity (r=-0.56). Conclusions. The level of subjective control of servicemen, regardless of gender, is quite high. Military personnel are ready to act in conditions of extraordinary events, they have good control over the course of their own life circumstances, therefore they evaluate their own achievements as the result of personal efforts. Military personnel believe that they are able to fulfill their professional duty, manage events during martial law, and feel their own responsibility for social changes in the country as a whole.

Author Biographies

Lada Yakovytska, National Aviation University

head of the aviation psychology department

Oleksii Horskyi, National Aviation University

head of the software engineering department

Oksana Lych, National Aviation University

Professor of the Department of Aviation Psychology


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