
  • Olena Kovtun National Aviation University
  • Nataliia Melnyk National Aviation University
  • Liubov Pomytkina National Aviation University
  • Nataliia Ladohubets National Aviation University
  • Anzhelika Kokarieva National Aviation University



adaptability and flexibility; institutional-legal regulation; integration; constructive factors; educational and research space; resilience; technological infrastructure; digitization of education


The higher education system of Ukraine has faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the military aggression of the russian federation. Among these challenges are the loss or destruction of educational infrastructure, the depletion of human capital, the inability to ensure the normal functioning of the education system due to security risks, and more. However, certain positive trends towards the stabilization and development of higher education in Ukraine can also be noted during this challenging period. The objective of the article was to identify and justify constructive factors for the development of higher education in Ukraine in the post-pandemic and war conditions. Research methods: analysis of statistical data from Ukrainian and European analytical and scientific research centers; examination of data of international organizations supporting the Ukrainian educational and scientific community during wartime; organization of factual material regarding the monitoring of constructive factors in the development of the higher education system; drawing conclusions on the main constructive factors for the development of higher education in Ukraine in the post-pandemic and wartime conditions. The results consist of identifying the nomenclature of constructive factors for the development of higher education in the post-pandemic and wartime conditions: 1) adaptability and flexibility of the higher education system, effective institutional-legal regulation of the higher education system during wartime; 2) improvement of technological infrastructure, optimization of approaches to organizing the educational process, implementation of innovative teaching methods, deepening the digitization of education; 3) renewal of Ukrainian science, integration of higher education in Ukraine into the European educational and research space; 4) strengthening the resilience of the educational community. Conclusions. The higher education system of Ukraine has largely managed to cope with the challenges posed by the post-pandemic and wartime circumstances. The decisions adopted were aimed at preserving of the system from possible significant losses and can be considered optimal for the higher education system. Ukrainian higher education institutions promptly responded to the challenging situation, adapted in a timely manner to new requirements, and developed and implemented adequate measures to transition to remote and blended models of organizing the educational process, utilizing modern digital technologies. In research activities, there is a strengthening of the institutional-legal foundations for conducting scientific and innovative activities, modernization of research directions, a trend towards the formation and implementation of new scientific and innovative projects within EU programs, support for national and international academic mobility of students and faculty, etc

Author Biographies

Olena Kovtun, National Aviation University

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation

Nataliia Melnyk, National Aviation University

Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation

Liubov Pomytkina, National Aviation University

Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation

Nataliia Ladohubets, National Aviation University

Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications

Anzhelika Kokarieva, National Aviation University

professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology of professional education


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