teachers of pedagogical colleges; motivational factors; motivation; personal growth; vocational higher educationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the motivational factors of teachers' personal growth. In this article, we implemented the following tasks: on the basis of the analysis of foreign and domestic literature, we singled out the motivational factors of personal growth, conducted and substantiated the results of a cluster analysis of the motivational factors of personal growth of teachers of pedagogical colleges.
Research procedure. 290 teachers of pedagogical colleges from different regions of Ukraine took part in the study.
The questionnaire "Comprehensive self-assessment of personal growth" (Andreev, 2013) was used to study the motivation of personal growth of teachers of vocational pre-university education institutions. According to this questionnaire, 1) indicators of motivation were determined: self-attitude, reflection, originality, responsibility, openness of the individual to new ideas, new experience, willingness to take risks, make mistakes, abandon old habits, self-confidence, own strengths, self-respect, interest in the content of the activity , positive attitude to pedagogical activity, orientation in time, holistic perception of the world, development of emotional intelligence; 2) motivational factors: ability for self-development, sensitivity (external affective sensitivity, internal affective sensitivity and internal sensory affectivity), adequacy of perception, adequacy of self-expression in contact, quality of life, care and environmental friendliness, self-acceptance, acceptance of others (tolerance), voluntary self-regulation , creative state, quality of interpersonal relations, intuition.
The obtained results were subjected to mathematical and statistical analysis using the computer program SPSS (version 23.0).
As a result of the cluster analysis, five clusters of the studied teachers were distinguished according to the levels of personal growth motivation (low, lower than average, average, higher than average, high) and each of them was characterized.
Conclusions. Almost half (47.1%) of the teachers of institutions of vocational pre-higher education are characterized by an insufficient level of motivation for personal growth, which can negatively affect the quality of education of students and the personality of the teachers themselves
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