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  • Vitalii Rakhmanov National Aviation University



higher education; individual approach; future specialists; educational process; educational and information environment; personality-oriented learning trajectory


The article analyzes the features of the individual approach to the training of future professionals in the use of educational and information environment, which includes subjects, ideas, concepts, stereotypes, personal changes in learning. The purpose of the study is to create an individual approach to the training of future professionals in the educational and information environment of the Technical University. Research methods are to study and generalize domestic and foreign experience to substantiate the conceptual provisions and individual approach of future professionals in the educational and information environment, structural and scientific analysis, as well as monitoring the learning process. In the educational and information environment, the future specialist develops as a carrier of subjective experience. Results. A modern type of relationship between teacher and future specialist in the lecture-practical system of teaching with the help of information systems is created. In professional activity, the future specialist acts not on the outside, but on his own plan, created or transformed in the process of active creative activity, predicting, anticipating, justifying the result accordingly. At each stage of training, the future specialist chooses his own trajectory of learning, subjecting to the cognitive patterns of information flows and the goals set before him by the educational process. In this case, the objects of the learning trajectory are the elements of the curriculum and work programs, extracurricular activities, as well as those actions that accumulate the life experience of the student. For the most part, the information trajectory of a student's learning is predictable, but not always optimal. This is due to the fact that in many cases, future professionals do not fully imagine what they can do in the future, what they really can do, what they have a tendency, what qualities to develop, and what goal to set, what to strive for. Another reason is the lack or lack of information about the possibilities of future self-realization. Acting in the field known to him, complementing the proposed situation, trying on known methods of action to an atypical task, the future specialist gradually comes to the conclusion that you need the appropriate competencies needed to perform the task, based on subjective experience of search. Solving professional problems in an educational and information environment contributes not only to the formation of personality-integrated competencies, but also helps to form those qualities of his personality that are necessary in future professional activities. The developed individual approach to training accustoms future specialists to conscious and active work, as it has almost no opportunity to evade learning tasks, which allows future professionals to clearly see how much effort and time useful (wasted) was lost, how far he advanced (lagged) from their colleagues, and the teacher to identify the results of success (gaps) in the future specialist. Under appropriate conditions, the influence of random factors is eliminated, and the final assessment of knowledge control is objective because it is based on the assessment of all types of work on all topics in modules over time. Conclusions. Each future specialist uses his individual way of acquiring knowledge in the educational and information environment. When performing the same task, future professionals use different methods and techniques. Therefore, the teacher with the help of information and communication technologies of learning uses a variety of management actions, helps the future specialist to choose individual for him ways of learning


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