scientific knowledge, ordinary knowledge, types of psychological information, the specifics of the practical psychologist, professional training of future psychologistsAbstract
The article considers the problem of the ratio of scientific and ordinary psychology in the activities of a practical psychologist, as well as the representation of everyday knowledge in the training of practical psychologists. The purpose of the study is to clarify the semantic relationship that develops between ordinary and scientific knowledge in future practical psychologists. Accordingly, the objectives of the study were: to determine on the basis of theoretical analysis of the features of scientific and ordinary knowledge; empirical study of students' ideas about the representation in their minds of ordinary and scientific knowledge; analysis of the ratio of scientific and ordinary knowledge in the activities of a practical psychologist; opening of perspective ways of integration of ordinary and scientific knowledge in the process of professional training of future practical psychologists. Methods used to achieve research goals and objectives: analysis of scientific literature, included pedagogical observation, analysis of the results of students' performance of individual tasks, questionnaire, content analysis of psychological texts. The theoretical analysis allowed to identify and characterize the types of psychological knowledge circulating in modern society. Their qualitative differences are revealed, the conflicts which arise between scientific knowledge and other kinds are characterized. The integrative nature of ordinary knowledge, which at the level of specific individuals "absorbs" all other types of knowledge, is revealed. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of literary sources the important role of ordinary knowledge in activity of the practical psychologist is opened. According to the results of theoretical analysis and empirical data, such a problem of professional training of future practical psychologists as the involvement of ordinary knowledge in all its forms to interact with scientific knowledge is specified. Examples of relevant educational tasks for students are given, the implementation of which will activate their ordinary knowledge and gradually lead to the acquisition of scientific knowledge on the basis of their integrationReferences
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