
  • Ольга Вячеславівна Дробот Національний авіаційний університет




individual style, features of communication activity, media communication, adolescence


The purpose of this study is to reveal several features of media communication activity of young people in the context of the following parameters: activity of engaging with media resources; activity of engaging with social networks; conformity of self-presentation; conformity of contact  matching and conformity of message-making. The following methods were used: "Comfortable Ways of Media Communication" questionnaire (by Pidhirna I. S.); factor analysis as the method of mathematical data processing. Results. The empirical study found that 42.5% of young people have a synchronous style of media communication, 35% - a complementary one, 17.5% - a diffused one, and 5% have a compensatory one. The first two groups showed a high activity of using media resources and a medium activity of using social networks. After identifying the factor structure of indicators in groups with synchronous and complementary styles of media communication, a qualitative comparative analysis of the obtained factor structures was performed. A number of common patterns in the grouping the parameters of factor structures, as well as specific, individual and peculiar features of each of the group were identified. The related criteria of conformity of individual styles of media communication are congruent and always appear in pairs in various combinations on one pole of the factor. The parameters of network activity tend to conflict with other variables: their intense manifestation displaces other psychological manifestations, and can cause destructive effects on the individual. Conclusions. Given the pattern of distribution of variables, it is concluded that a unique feature of the group with a synchronous style of media communication is the subordination of media resource activity to the leading motive – i.e. self-presentation. A specific feature of the group with a complementary style of media communication is the wide range of relationships that link media communication activity with other forms of life activity. Thus, the communicative activity of young people in social networks has its own individual and stylistic features and is used to meet individual needs and those pertaining to the age group at large

Author Biography

Ольга Вячеславівна Дробот, Національний авіаційний університет

доктор психологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки та психології професійної освіти


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