architectural education, environmental competence, competency model of training a specialist architect, pedagogical conditions, professional training of future architectsAbstract
The results of theoretical analysis and practical work in the field of professional training of future architects are presented, which allowed to establish ways of greening their professional functions, namely value-based ecological installations, which are a means of modern noosphere scientific approach. The aim of the study was to develop pedagogical conditions for the formation of environmental competence of students of architectural, construction and design faculties of higher education in the structure of the competency model of specialist training, elements of which are formed on the basis of state standards, industry qualification requirements, surveys of experts, industry representatives, research and design organizations. The objectives of the study are as follows: to provide a comparative analysis of the concept of "pedagogical conditions" for different areas of education; to offer the author's interpretation of this term for features of architectural preparation; determine the place and role of environmental competence in ensuring effective professional competence of future architects in terms of updating the content of education in accordance with modern environmental requirements, scientific and technical achievements focused on the development of creative personality capable of growth and self-realization. Using the methods of questionnaires, comparisons, observations, systematic analysis of pedagogical experiment data and content analysis of programs and content of educational disciplines, four pedagogical conditions were identified and substantiated, as a result of which changes in personal qualities of students of architectural specialties and their professional training were revealed. Done conclusion that all these pedagogical conditions of the development of environmental competence are interconnected and interdependent, so their formation should be approached consistently, carefully, persistently, comprehensively, continuouslyReferences
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