multimedia technologies, professional training, information and computer technologies, educational platforms, educational technologies, pandemicAbstract
The article analyzes using of multimedia technologies in the process of professional training of students of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications of the National Aviation University in a pandemic. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of multimedia technologies using, introduction into the educational process during a pandemic in the teaching process. The purpose of the article is studying the using of multimedia technologies in the process of training students in a pandemic. Based on the study of problem, the introduction of multimedia learning technologies in the process of future students professional training should be didactically and methodologically appropriate, we have clarified and substantiated the theoretical foundations of multimedia learning tools using in professional students training. Using scientific knowledge methods: theoretical (study, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization of scientific literature from researching problem, systematization and generalization of the obtained data, pedagogical modeling) making it possible to find out the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia technologies using in the process of professional students training in a pandemic.
The researching results proved that the experimental researching showed the use of multimedia technologies in the training of students majoring in 053 "Psychology", 231 "Social Work" allows to identify strengths and weaknesses, as it was mentioned in questionnaire about multimedia technologies using in the process of professional training in the process of teaching courses of the professional training cycle. The study emphasizes the importance of multimedia tools and software using in the future bachelors training during the pandemic. It is concluded that multimedia technologies using is associated with the visualization of theoretical material, significantly improves the teaching quality, as well as the effectiveness of students' information perceptionReferences
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