teachers of national languages, preschool education of Singapore, professional training programs, certification of teachersAbstract
Professional training of teachers is one of the main directions of renovation and optimization of the education system. Teachers play a key role in the educational process. Their professional level significantly affects the effectiveness and quality of training. The purpose of the research is to study the experience of the Republic of Singapore in the organization and implementation of an effective system of professional training for teachers of national languages in the sector of preschool education. The research is based on systemic, personally-oriented and synergistic approaches and was conducted with the usage of such research methods as analysis, comparison and systematization. Results. The study of the modern system of preschool education in Singapore has demonstrated an increase in demand for studying national languages in preschool education institutions, which is caused by bilingualism of the educational process. For a long time in the education system of Singapore, a shortage of local teachers of national languages was observed, which forced the government of the country to reform the system of their professional training. The conducted analysis has demonstrated that the modern system of professional training for teachers of national languages in preschool education institutions is characterized by a variety of professional training programs, which gives an opportunity to obtain professional qualification for entrants with various academic achievements. The main directions of the programs of professional training for teachers of national languages are in-depth study of the national language and cultural aspects of its functioning; peculiarities of the development of little children and methodology of teaching a national language for them; professional, personal and research development of future teachers, as well as practical application of acquired skills in the organization and provision of the educational process. Conclusion. Singapore managed to build an effective system of professional training for teachers of national languages in the preschool institutions, which ensured an increase in the number of local specialists in this education sector. Programs of professional training for national language teachers are an integral part of the general system of professional training for teachers-philologists, which is based on the principle of continuity and provides opportunities for further professional growth.References
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