integrated approach, foreign language education, professionally important qualitiesAbstract
The purpose of research is to theoretically substantiate the essence of the concept “professionally important qualities of future IT specialists” and empirically study the content of integrating professional and foreign language training for forming these qualities of IT professionals in a technical higher education institution. The concept “professionally important qualities of future IT specialists” has been defined as a set of integrated characteristics, abilities and properties that should be formed in a person for the successful and effective performance of professional functions in dynamic and innovative activities, achieving a high level of competences in the process of personal development and professional growth in a new social and intercultural environment. Using the methods of questionnaire, survey and observation for studying the state of the problem in practice, the content of integrating vocational training and foreign language education for forming professionally important qualities of future IT specialists in a technical university educational and information environment have been substantiated. Results. It has been proved the importance of foreign language teaching for the professional development and personal growth of IT specialists. It has also been confirmed the necessity of choosing the disciplines “Foreign language”, “Foreign language (for specific purposes)” as a means for forming professionally important qualities of future IT specialists and their readiness for the professional activity taking into account the peculiarities of using mobile technologies and modern interactive learning methods, which provide the increasing ability to adapt to technological, social, economic and communication changes in the innovative society, as well as the possibility to show their professional competence and the motivation for lifelong education. It has been concluded that the priority in solving the research problems is the implementation of an integrated approach in the professional training of future IT specialists, which is based on integrating knowledge from professional and humanities disciplines and coordinating their curricula; promotes continuity and vocational education of future professionalsReferences
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