
  • Фессалоніка Григорівна Левченко




competence, competence-oriented learning, didactics, general secondary education institutions, modern education, personality, principles of teaching, pupils, the teacher


The didactic component of the competence approach in education is considered in the article. The purpose of the article, which is to distinguish the most relevant principles in the implementation of the competency approach among the didactic ones, is achieved by theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization of information) and empirical ones (own observations of the educational process). The result of the work is the definition of such principles as: provisions on the life-creating orientation of competence education; the necessity of personal and activity orientation of the educational process; the principle of reliance on previous experience, creative understanding of social experience, focus on the result. Mentioned above principles emphasize the specifics of the competency approach: formation and development of students' ability to act practically and creatively apply the acquired knowledge and experience in different situations. Each selected principle is described in relation to the competency approach. The principle of life-creating orientation promotes individual’s self-realization. Formation in personality of self-development, self-defense, self-education mechanisms is the principle of personal orientation. Competences are acquired through active activities and based on minimal experience (the principle of activity orientation and reliance on previous experience). Building of your own life strategy is (the principle of creative understanding of social experience). Possession of the potential to solve life's problems is (the principle of focus on the result).

The study provides grounds for conclusions: the didactic component of competence education indicates its social (an important condition for competencies acquisition is social interaction, achieved by the principles of life-orientation, personal orientation, creative understanding of social experience), humanistic (competence approach promotes youth’s self-realization and self-improvement achieved by the principles of life-creating orientation, personal orientation) and practical-pragmatic orientation (solving issues that arise before people in various practical situations, which is the basis of the principles of result-oriented, activity-oriented).


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