
  • М. Пірен



spiritual culture, territorial community, elucidative work, democratic reforms, making healthy of society, religion, decentralization, man


The religious understanding of the world and people is based on the evangelic values of love, good, mercy, forgiveness, humaneness. In the process of elucidative work in territorial communities the accent must be done on personality presentation and perception of spirituality as public phenomenon, that denies neglect to the man, deception, corruption and other negatives. Long alienation of man from religion and church, from a spiritual culture, national root, from a faith resulted in the crisis of public consciousness that showed up in an extremely unfavorable public atmosphere : strengthening of criminogenic situation in society, violence, corruption, erroneous standards of culture, sometimes negative pluralism of ideas, "hybrid wars" and others.

The first condition of forming of spirituality of society type is realization of process of self-knowledge and appeal of man to the culture, that exists in a certain symbolic form - language, mythology, art, science, religion, as to the necessary condition her vital orientation. Exactly and that is why it is important to understand that a problem of spirituality is not only a problem of survival of civilization but also problem of personality existence of man and perfection of personality.

In the process of elucidative work in territorial communities on issue of forming of spiritual culture of must especially to distinguish the role of family. Family is the first bose of spiritual education of man, it carries out his primary socialization, in forming of the valued, moral, social, ecological and spiritual cultures


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