competence, higher educational establishment, professional training, translation teacher professional competence, translation teacherAbstract
The suggested exploration is devoted to the urgent and under-researched problem of translation teachers’ professional training at higher educational establishments in Ukraine. The main scientific works of leading foreign and domestic scholars have been analyzed. The notion of a “translation teacher professional competence” has been determined as the competence inherent both to translators and pedagogues. The competence portrait of a modern translation teacher at higher educational establishments has been researched. The translation teacher professional competence consists of basic competence, field competence, instructional competence, organizational competence, interpersonal competence, and assessment competence. The main professional demands for a translation teacher are figured out. Translation experience, excellent knowledge of a foreign language and translation strategies are among those essential professional demands that along with excellent proficiency in native language, country studies, history, literature and linguistics form a framework in translation teachers’ professional training. Pedagogical excellence and research work are also worth noting. The conclusions of the article give an opportunity to assess the current state of the problem under study. The author outlines the main tasks and perspectives of further research on the development of a methodical system for future translation teachers training at higher educational establishments in Ukraine. The main emphasis should be made in perspective at the formation and development of the relevant competences that are professionally important for a future translation teacher in the process of the bachelor and master’s training as well as the development of appropriate training programsReferences
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