gender differences, perception differences, social interactionAbstract
In the article is highlighted the particularity of manifest of men and women belonging to the gender as basis of first impression creation in social interaction between humans. Were determined main factors of its creation: appearance and behavior perception of the object being observed, development of psychological particularities understanding and situation of the object being observed, development of understanding about causes and consequences, development of own behavior strategy, object of social perception. Were highlighted main factors of first impression creation in social interaction at humans with different belonging to the gender: degree of interlocutor disadvantages noting and ability not to focus on them while making the acquaintance as well as the ability to understand the other through non-verbal communication and readiness to come to the aid. Are studied: belonging to the gender of study participants using the method of S. Bem “Determining of femininity/ masculinity/ androginy”, level of communication tolerance according to the same name method of Boiko V. and level of human perceptual non-verbal competence according to the method of Rozen G. “Determining of the level of perceptual non-verbal competence”.Is noted the fact that belonging to the gender is one of main factors of social interaction establishment between individuals. Is experimentally proven and is statistically confirmed through carrying out of correlation analysis between mechanisms, determined by us, the importance of first impression creation in social interaction. It is determined that the higher development level of perceptual non-verbal competence of the individual, the better the person demonstrates communication tolerance towards the interlocutors. Is identified the fact that formation and development level of mentioned mechanisms is due to belonging to the gender of different genders representatives.References
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