Comparative legal analysis proceedings in criminal cases of private prosecution


  • Назар Вікторович Малярчук National Aviation University
  • Андрій В. Самко The Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Belarus



criminal procedure, the prosecution, a private prosecution, analysis, foreign countries


The Constitution recognizes the supreme goal and value of society and the state of man, his rights, freedoms and guarantees of their implementation (Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus). Said setting determines the tendency to expand and began private interests in criminal proceedings.

Criminal proceedings of private accusation is the most striking example of those in the criminal procedural legal relationships. In this regard, it considered the legal institution deservedly attracts attention as practitioners and legal scholars. However, individual lawyers, including domestic, raising a question of urgency and the need to maintain within the public inherently criminal procedure institute private prosecution, which originated in ancient times. Is this legal phenomenon anachronistic and unnecessary process developed by modern system of criminal prosecution? The answer to this question is impossible without recourse to the experience of foreign countries Romano-Germanic legal family, because this type of production is not something specific, peculiar only to the domestic law.

Subjecting analysis proceedings in criminal cases of private prosecution in a number of foreign countries, it is concluded that in one form or another, this institution is preserved in most countries, not only adjacent to each other and having a certain commonality of historical development and the location even different continents, look at the private prosecution as some throwback, a vestige of the criminal proceedings, left the law "in memory" seems wrong that confirms the international experience of the criminal procedure law to keep this Procedure Institute, which in turn highlights its value and relevance to the criminal proceedings.

Author Biographies

Назар Вікторович Малярчук, National Aviation University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Андрій В. Самко, The Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Belarus



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How to Cite

Малярчук, Н. В., & Самко, А. В. (2015). Comparative legal analysis proceedings in criminal cases of private prosecution. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(37), 149–153.



Criminal Law and Criminology