Certain aspects of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


  • Михайло Васильович Корнієнко Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University




reform, national police, militia, law, strategy, conception, Department for Combating Organized Crime (DCOC)


Certain aspects of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The author analyzes certain aspects of reforming of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Ukraine

The urgent measures conception of the MIA system reforming and the development strategy of the internal affairs organs of Ukraine have initiated changes in the MIA system. These documents were elaborated with human rights activists, independent experts and scholars involved and with European and American experience as well as domestic achievements taken into account. Apart from the MIA structure’s optimization and elimination of the internal affairs departments’ and organs’ double-function, there is a task of establishing the Ministry of Internal Affairs being a civil organ of the European standard.

The core issue is transforming the present law enforcement agency (militia) into a service, which secures the protection of the society's public order (police).

Recently signed by the President, the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police of Ukraine» has terminated the discussions and tensions concerning the name of the structure in future. The new law is certainly based on the core provisions of the 1991 Law «On militia», though it contains many other innovative approaches and novelties.

Author Biography

Михайло Васильович Корнієнко, Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor, First vice-rector


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How to Cite

Корнієнко, М. В. (2015). Certain aspects of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(37), 145–148. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.37.9847



Criminal Law and Criminology