Legal aspects of the air transportation of pregnant women having children on board the aircraft and especially the definition of citizenship


  • Людмила Володимирівна Липець National Aviation University



birth, childbirth on board, emergency childbirth on board, citizenship of a child born on board the aircraft


Thearticle defines the legal aspects of the airtransport of pregnant women having children on board the aircraft an despecially the definition of citizenship. The author makes a conclusion that the national legislation contains gaps and conflicts with respect to international legislation regulating these issues.

There are many airlines, inparticular, AirFrance, Lufthansa, UnitedAirlines, Delta, Alitalia, Swissair, do not leton boardwomen, gestational age exceeds 36 weeks.

Practice shows that no reservation can not guarantee absolute security for childbirth, because I think those airlines that carry freight pregnant women, except with help from a doctor, require prior notification about special needs passengers.

When the carrier discovers that carry the pregnant passenger flight, the airline carrier must ensure that the crew needed medicines and sanitary equipment necessary in case of birth.

For medical assistance during childbirth during ground transportation, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine developed a procedure for transporting pregnant women in Ukraine. I think that at least part of the list of essential tools should be included and the Rules of airtransport ation of passengers and baggage and provide the mevery airport and every cabin of the aircraft to be able to assistin childbirth.

Also, we see that in the course of the contract for the carriage of passengers with disabilities by air, there is a complex set of service delivery not only in transportation but also provide the necessary medical care. Given there sponsibility that the carrieris life for passengers, airlines should not be limited to the prohibitive measures of protection, but also to coordinate legislation to improve the efficiency of medical services, including pregnant women.

Author Biography

Людмила Володимирівна Липець, National Aviation University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Липець, Л. В. (2015). Legal aspects of the air transportation of pregnant women having children on board the aircraft and especially the definition of citizenship. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(37), 18–22.

