Damage routes and means of transport in the air transport industry: scientific and practical commentary of Article 277 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
breaking the rules, safety, operational safety, air transport, air law, criminal lawAbstract
Damage routes and means of transport in the air transport industry: scientific and practical commentary of Article 277 of the Criminal Code of UkraineIn the article is implementedan in-depth research and practice review of the crime components, contained in Section 277 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The stress has been made on detection of objective and subjective characteristics of criminal acts,exceptionally in aspect of air transport.
A social conditionality of penal prohibition for relevant acts had been defined. A social danger, provided by Section 277 of the CC of Ukraine had been detected. An analysis of primary and immediate objectsfor this crime had been made. As well, it had been found out a mechanism of harmto public relations, as a result of having done so. Based on the Provisions of the Air Code of Ukraine the content of targets of crime has been solved.
It is mentioned, that criminal law characteristic of objective side depends on a variety of crime components, contained in Section 277 of the CC of Ukraine. A writer separates the socially dangerous forms of acts and criminal effects.
Anobjective content of subjective aspect of crime components had been analyzed. It is affirmed that the act of crime should be recognized as intentional, in cases if traffic connection and transports destruction or damage was intentional. If the damage has occurred by negligence, than the crime can generally be considered as negligent. During the action research, aimed to put the mentioned objects to unusable condition for further use, the act of crime is wholly recognized as intentional.
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