Legal nature of a subjective right to information
a subjective right, freedom of information, freedom of speech, an individual right, a collective right (an active right, a passive right)Abstract
In national foreign literary discussions about essence, content and legal nature of a subjective right to information continue, but common understanding of this phenomenon does not exist nowadays.It should be noticed that legal character of the subjective right to information is based on the peculiarities of its regulation, the specific social content, the form of legal provision and correlation of investigated notion with other human rights and freedoms. This right is fixed on constitutional level and is the basic, functional right of a person.
Analyzing legal nature of the subjective right to information, it is needed to pay attention to the active character of this right. It includes specific clear actions to enter the informative interaction between a state and a society due to the need for active social position of the subjective right. It is necessary to emphasize the independent nature of the right to information. Thanks to its qualities, the investigated right plays the significant role and proves its importance in the process of implementation of the main and industry rights of citizens.
The question of legal nature of the subjective right to information has both theoretical and practical importance. From the theoretical point of view it should be understood as the need for correlation of human information needs with legal regulation of social relations that provides deeper insight into essence of the subjective right to know its nature. From the practical point of view linking of human information need with the defined subjective right will fill it with the necessary content, establish exactly those authorities that are aimed to satisfy the specific informative interest. Fixing on legislatively level of purpose of the right to information will give the opportunity to control its realization in accordance with the prescribed purpose.
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