Requirements for employees of air transport at the conclusion of the employment contract


  • Світлана Володимирівна Синенко Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law



requirement, aviation personnel, certificate, age, state of health


The article is devoted to requirements for employees of air transport in the employment contract. The author on the basis of the current legislation and modern legal theoretical developments of science carried out a theoretical study of the legal regulation of requirements to the employees of air transport in the employment contract. The article highlights the problematic issues of legal regulation of requirements for transport of employees when signing the employment contract. Developed specific proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of regulation of this issue.

It is concluded that for employees in the aviation industry at the conclusion of the employment contract, the provisions of the Labor code of Ukraine. However, sub-legal acts for the applicants to carry out their professional activities in primary occupations (positions) of the aviation industry, there are special requirements, among which:

– firstly, relevant professional training, as evidenced by the existence of documents issued by the Central Executive authorities that ensures forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of air transport;

– secondly, the achievement of a person 18 years of age, and in some cases 21 years of age. However, the Air code of Ukraine does not contain specific norms that would stipulate age requirements of employees of the aviation industry. In my opinion, it is advisable for persons who are granted the right of control of an aircraft, to increase the age limit, for example up to 25 years, as persons under twenty-five years of age who have sufficient experience in this field;

– thirdly, the requirement regarding the health status of workers in the transport industry.

This requirement is due to the determination of the state of health of the person who will perform professional duties without the deterioration of health in the conditions of action of concrete harmful and dangerous factors in the employment process;

– fourthly, the requirement concerning the age limit of workers of air transport.

Analyze the requirements from the state to the level of knowledge, skill, experience, professionalism, qualifications, age, health status of persons claiming to engage in "major" professions (positions) of employees in the aviation industry due to the nature and originating their activities and aims at protecting life and health of the employees, a work function associated with the source of danger, and persons who are provided aviation services and to ensure the safe movement of transport at the proper level. At the same time, the main control on observance of these requirements is imposed directly on the employer.

Author Biography

Світлана Володимирівна Синенко, Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Синенко, С. В. (2015). Requirements for employees of air transport at the conclusion of the employment contract. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(36), 27–32.

