Theoretical foundations of social and labor resocialization sentenced and persons released from prison


  • Леонід Аркадійович Жук Institute of Air and Space Law and Mass Communications, National Aviation University
  • Олена Миколаївна Неживець Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs



resocialization, rehabilitation, social and labor re-socialization, social adaptation, penitentiary and post-penitentiary resocialization


This article discusses the concept of resocialization, rehabilitation and social adaptation of convicts and personsreleased from prison, given a number of practical recommendations on the prison and postpenitentsiarniy work withsuch people.

Author Biographies

Леонід Аркадійович Жук, Institute of Air and Space Law and Mass Communications, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Civil Law and Procedure

Олена Миколаївна Неживець, Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs

PhD, Associate Professor of Operations and Documentation


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How to Cite

Жук, Л. А., & Неживець, О. М. (2010). Theoretical foundations of social and labor resocialization sentenced and persons released from prison. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(12), 59–64.

