Copyright protection by professional creative unions


  • Ніна Валеріївна Троцюк National Aviation University



copyright, copyright protection, administrative and legal protection, mediation


The author of the article reveals the issue of admissibility of administrative and legal copyright protection by professional creative unions, while noting the need to delegate these rights to creative unions as a manifestation of mediative non-jurisdictional order of rights protection.

Certain aspects of the problems of copyright protection by professional creative unions were researched by S. V. Bondarenko, T. M. Vakhonieva, A. S. Harkava, K. I. Hanelina, N. P. Haiev, A. T. Komziuk, A. V. Malko, O. O. Shtefan etc. However the amount of modern scientific works regarding this problem is not sufficient and their content don’t fully reflect all the aspects of professional creative unions’ activity concerning copyright protection.

Considering the object of the research, the right of the professional creative unions to represent and protect the rights and interests of its members is emphasized. In this case it’s said about the representative activity as about a legal one. It’s questioned what members can be protected by the creative unions. Law of Ukraine “On Professional Creative Workers and Creative Unions" doesn’t give the answer.

The purpose of this paper is to pay attention of the legislator to the creative and scientific public, to the certain inappropriateness of current legislation in securing the rights of creative and other associations to protect the rights of their members.

It’s concluded in the article that despite the urgent need of ensuring fast and impartial copyright protection of creative workers, professional creative unions’ activity is still declarative in Ukraine and means reviewing of disputes between members of such associations. It’s a disadvantage of current legislation and a lack of understanding of the creative unions’ procedure concerning reviewing violations of copyright and other rights, even as part of mediation review of such cases and representation of the interests of their members in their jurisdiction protection.

Author Biography

Ніна Валеріївна Троцюк, National Aviation University

Senior Research Officer


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How to Cite

Троцюк, Н. В. (2015). Copyright protection by professional creative unions. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(35), 58–62.

