Civil aviation in Ukraine: problems of state regulation


  • Назар Вікторович Малярчук National Aviation University
  • Світлана Іванівна Хом'яченко National Aviation University



government regulation, civil aviation, aviation medical certification, aviation security


The article deals with a government regulation of activities in the aviation sphere, aviation security, the interests of the state, national security and the needs of society and economy in air transport and air operations.

The emergence and development of new technologies we owe to the achievements and developments that take place while exploring outer space and aviation sector. It should be noted that there is no branch of human activity, which is not influenced by the experience in these areas. The invention and implementation of new technologies, new energy sources, improvement and development of new air navigation equipment have become an integral part of our lives. That is why relevant achievements, the development of high-tech industries like aviation and space for are one of Ukrainian main priorities. Unfortunately, the further dynamic development processes is not possible without further significant changes in the national law and regulation including expanding international cooperation in order to implement government projects and European programs, adaptation and implementation of international norms to national legislation to harmonize them.

The article aims to identify the characteristics of state regulation in the sphere of aviation and to make proposals for the gaps removal in the current legislation.

Thus under state control, we understand a system of legal instruments which are used by the public authorities for carrying out strict regulation and as a result ensuring the proper functioning of public relations in every sphere of national development.

Proceeding from the above is not clear why today there is still such a state of discrepancy between the higher and lower organs of the state in the sphere of aviation. Thus, in the absence of proper control by the Ministry of Infrastructure as a body of property management by order of Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise Medical Center were reorganized by joining USATSE, but actually eliminated. Such action of the public authorities could lead to unintended consequences and with great certainty endanger human life and health in the context of the proper functioning of controllers for monitoring air traffic, aircraft crew, maintenance staff. So actually disorganization of Medical Center leads to significant increase of risk, and in turn, as a result of a significant reduction in the safety of civil aviation.

Today in Ukraine there is no single program document that would define the priorities and strategy for the development of air transport.

Author Biographies

Назар Вікторович Малярчук, National Aviation University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.)

Світлана Іванівна Хом'яченко, National Aviation University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Малярчук, Н. В., & Хом’яченко, С. І. (2015). Civil aviation in Ukraine: problems of state regulation. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(35), 10–14.

